April 10, 2021 2021-04-10 9:13STAND UP INSIDE
One of the most critical positions that an individual must take when planning anything outstanding is a standing position.
I have discovered in life that not much gets done by inactive and downcast folks. Only those standing up to the challenge succeed at resisting their resistance, and arriving at the pinnacle of their dreams and aspirations.
The standing position is a winning position.
The standing position is a productive position.
The standing position is a leading position.
The standing position is a creative position.
The standing position is a result producing position.
The standing position is a super position.
The one major truth about standing up is, you cannot truly stand on the outside unless you first stand on the inside.
There are times that situations physically would keep you on your seat without the capacity to stand. When you find yourself in such circumstances, learn to stand up inside; because that is the place we initiate our rising.
Every accomplished individual made decisions to stand first on the inside, even when they couldn’t stand on the outside.
When there’s no room to stand, stand inside.
When there’s no place to stand, stand inside.
When you can’t find the strength to stand physically, stand inside.
When there seems to be nothing to stand for, stand inside.
When there seem to be no one to stand with, stand inside.
No matter what, just take a stand. A stand from within is the fuel for a stand on the outside.
I have never met anyone restless about their passion that did not stand up to it, and you can’t stand up to your passion and not be super successful.
You must stand up first on the inside before you can stand up on the outside.
A story was told of a father who told his four-year-old son to sit down, but the son refused. So the father said for the second time, “Son, I said sit down.” The boy still refused to sit down. Finally, the father held up to him by the shoulders and forcefully made him sit in the chair. He said, “Now, Son, sit down over here!” The little boy responded, “I may be sitting down on the outside, but—” he added defiantly, “I’m standing up on the inside!”
When life forces you to sit down, never accept such defeat. Stand up again.
When circumstances pull you back into your seat, stand up again.
When your relationship makes you sit down, don’t just stay there playing dead; choose to stand up again.
When everything and everyone is against you, make that decision to stand up.
Nothing is strong enough to keep you on the seat when you should be super active in action.
I say to you today, stand up on the inside. In there is the strength to truly stand up to your world.