



If there’s a group of people I do not like to deal with in business or in life generally, they are people who do not walk the talk.

They have a getaway attitude. That is, they always try to talk their way out of any situation they find themselves in.

They do not believe in solving problems, rather they escape from them by talking over issues.

To build value in life, career and business, you must learn to walk the talk.

We do not know you by what you say, we only recognize you by what you do.

There are people in our world whose words means nothing, and there are others that when they speak, everything stands at attention.

You will never be more valuable than the value you place on your words.

Value brings resource, and resource engenders greatness.

The value of your word is the value of your life.


Your present is what it is by the value you placed on your words yesterday, and your future will be the direct outcome of the value placed on your words.


People say:
“I want to start a degree”, but they never do. No value for their words.

“I want to start a business”, but they never do. They sabotaged their own words.

“I want to take the trip”, but they never do. They failed to walk the talk.

“I want to get married”, but they never dare to follow through.

One big problem with those who don’t walk the talk is they’re not accountable.

Unaccountable people hardly succeed. This is because one of the major ingredients of success is accountability. They hate it and will never change their stand.

They don’t like to be confronted about their behaviour.

They don’t like to be transparent about any issue.

They like to deal in the dark.

They like secrecy.

They clamour for privacy.

Whatever you do, never deal with an unaccountable person because they will bring down all you’ve built within a twinkle of an eye.


1. Keep accurate records

It is important to keep accurate records so you can keep tab on your words.

Remember, a short pen is better than a large memory.

Keep records!

2. Have an accountability partner.

Every human needs a go-to person in their life. Someone to encourage you.

Someone to checkmate you when you go off track.

You cannot live yourself in life.

To live by yourself is to fail by yourself.

To live by yourself is to die by yourself.

To live by yourself is to fall by yourself.

Get yourself a go-to person.

Develop relationships with those who speak your language and build values with them.

3. Have the courage to say you’re sorry when you fail to walk the talk.

This is necessary because many people are learning from your choices and decisions.

You will build wrong habits in people when you stand in your errors.

It is always easier to say things than to do what is said.

Learn the commitment required to stand by what you say and to walk the talk always.

Make required changes today and take your life forward.

Remember you’re in it to win it.


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